Color Contrast Checker
Automatically calculate the contrast ratio between text and background colors and check for WCAG 2.0 compliance.
small text
large text
small text
large text
- This is level AA small text.
- This is level AA large text.
- This is level AAA small text.
- This is level AAA large text.
What is a Color Contrast Checker?
The Color Contrast Checker is an essential tool for improving web accessibility. It automatically calculates the contrast ratio between text and background colors and checks if the combination meets the standards set by WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). By using this tool, you can create visually accessible designs that enhance the user experience for everyone.
- Real-time Calculation: Instantly computes the contrast ratio based on the input colors.
- WCAG 2.0 Compliance: Verifies if the calculated contrast ratio meets accessibility standards.
- User-friendly Interface: Easily input color codes directly or select colors using a color picker.
- Visual Results Display: Clearly shows the contrast ratio and compliance status at a glance.
How to Use the Color Contrast Checker
- Enter or Select Colors: Input the text and background colors. You can either enter color codes (Hex, RGB, etc.) directly or select colors using the color picker.
- Check the Contrast Ratio: The tool automatically calculates the contrast ratio based on the input colors and displays the results in real time.
- Verify Compliance: Check if the calculated contrast ratio meets WCAG 2.0 standards. If it does, it will indicate "Pass"; otherwise, it will show "Fail"
- Adjust Colors: Modify the colors as needed and recheck the contrast ratio to ensure optimal readability and design balance.
Use Cases
- Web Design Audit: Ensure accessible designs by checking the contrast of buttons, links, and text.
- UI/UX Enhancement: Validate that UI elements in apps or software maintain sufficient visual contrast.
- Brand Design Accessibility: Use brand colors while ensuring readability.
- SEO Improvement: Boost search engine rankings with accessible and user-friendly designs.
Use this tool to create accessible and visually appealing designs with ease!