Convert YAML to JSON in real time.


What is YAML to JSON?

YAML to JSON is a simple and efficient tool for converting data in YAML format to JSON format.

Both YAML and JSON are widely used data serialization formats, and each format has specific uses and benefits. This tool allows you to quickly and accurately change data formats.

How to use YAML to JSON

  1. input the YAML data you want to convert
  2. you can check the result converted to JSON in real time

About YAML

YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human readable format used for data serialization. It is primarily used in configuration files and data exchange.

  • Human-friendly.
    • Simple, easy-to-read syntax
    • Indent-based hierarchical structure
  • Intuitive data representation.
    • Natural key/value pairs
    • Easy representation of lists and dictionaries
  • Flexible data types.
    • Supports strings, numbers, boolean, null values, etc.
  • Comments can be written.
    • Comments can be added with #.
  • Multilingual support.
    • Parsers exist for various programming languages.
  • Extensibility
    • Complex data structures can be represented.
  • Compatibility
    • Compatible with JSON and easily inter-convertible