Convert JSON to YAML in real time.


What is JSON to YAML?

JSON to YAML is a simple and efficient tool for converting data in JSON format to YAML format.

Both JSON and YAML are widely used data serialization formats, and each format has specific uses and benefits. This tool allows you to quickly and accurately change data formats.

How to use JSON to YAML

  1. input the JSON data you wish to convert
  2. check the results of the conversion to YAML in real time

with quotes (optional)

Normally, YAML will interpret strings as strings even if they are not quoted, but if you enable this option, strings other than keys will be enclosed in quotes.

Sort keys (optional)

If enabled, keys are sorted when converted to YAML.

About JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

The following is a brief description of some of the JSON syntax.

  • Enclose strings in double quotation marks "" (single quotation marks are not allowed)
  • Enclose the whole thing in {} or .
  • Key:Value makes one data, and Key:Value is separated by a colon :.
  • Separate data with comma , (no need to use commas for trailing data)

For more information, see Working with JSON and JSON.