Gradient Text Generator

Easily create beautiful gradient text.


Gradient Text Generator


Gradient Type
Angle: 90°
Text Color


background: linear-gradient(90deg, #82f369 0%, #91cfff 40%, #ffaacc 100%);
color: transparent;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
text-fill-color: transparent;

What is the Gradient Text Generator?

The Gradient Text Generator is a user-friendly online tool that allows anyone to easily create beautiful gradient text. You can mix and match from 2 to 5 colors to give your text a unique and eye-catching impact.
It's perfect not just for web developers and designers, but also for anyone looking to create a quick design. With this tool, you can instantly elevate the look of your website or app. Whether you're a pro or a beginner, the simplicity of this tool makes it accessible to everyone.


  • Wide color variations: Customize your gradient with 2 to 5 colors.
  • Professional design, easy to use: No complicated settings required. Create stunning designs with ease.
  • Real-time preview: See your changes instantly, and perfect your design as you go.
  • Auto-generated CSS code: Get the CSS code for your design and use it immediately in your project.

How to Use the Gradient Text Generator

  1. Enter your text:
    • Type the text you want to create. Whether it's a short word or a long phrase, it's all up to you.
  2. Choose the gradient type:
    • linear: A straight gradient.
    • radial: A gradient that spreads out from the center.
  3. Select your colors:
    • Use the color picker to choose the colors for your gradient. You can add up to 5 colors, allowing you to create vivid and dynamic designs.
  4. Adjust the angle:
    • For linear gradients, customize the angle to control the direction of the gradient. Find the best angle that fits your design.
  5. Preview your design:
    • All changes are reflected in real-time, so you can make adjustments until you achieve the perfect look.
  6. Copy the CSS code:
    • The CSS code for your design is automatically generated. Just copy and paste it into your web project, and you're done.

Why is Gradient Text Important?

Gradient text adds a dynamic visual effect to your design, making it a powerful tool to capture the user's attention. It transforms plain text into an appealing design element, enhancing the overall look of your web page or app. It also supports responsive design, ensuring that your gradient text looks great on any device.

With the Gradient Text Generator, even those without coding skills can create stunning, design-driven text. Why not add a touch of gradient beauty to your web project today?